Thursday, June 25, 2015

Savor the Summit - Not

Every year Park City has a giant dinner on Main Street called Savor the Summit.  All the restaurants serve dinner outside and street line Main Street from top to bottom.  We have been going every year, but as it has grown in popularity it has gotten ridiculously expensive. 
Some people are ok with paying that much because the money goes to non-profits.  Except it doesn't.  I am not sure where everyone got that idea, but the money just goes to the restaurants.  This year we decided to head downtown, but to just do a normal dinner out.
We went to Mustang, had a great meal for less than half the Savor the Summit price, and got a lot better service.  We have now decided to celebrate "Screw the Summit" every year.
We did head out and listen to a bit of music on Main Street. Only in Park City does a dog get his own blanket right in front of the stage.
I think we have found our happy new alternative to Savor the Summit.  I hope the event continues to be a great success though.  It is good for Park City and great for the restaurants. 

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