Saturday, May 30, 2009

Running in Michigan

I am up in Michigan this weekend, visiting with Julie's family. Lots of stories and pictures once I get home and can get things off my camera and phone.

Meanwhile, I found a 10k run right here in Royak Oak. Looking for any excuse to push myself in a race, I signed up. I lucked up and had gorgeous, cool weather. Three weeks ago I ran a 10k in Raleigh. I did 8:28 miles, so I figured I would shoot for 8:10's this weekend. I did the first mile at 7:40 and thought, uh-oh, gonna die soon. Instead, I just kept cranking out 7:40s, finishing in 47:39. Julie and her mom even came out to cheer me along. Much appreciated!

This is the best run I have had in quite a while, so I'm pretty stoked. If I can just keep on knocking off 50 seconds per mile every three weeks, I will be a world class runner by August. Ok, so it doesn't really work that way.

Actually my objective is to get me left heel to heal. It's been painful lately. Must stay healthy! Ice and Ibuprofen are my friends.

UPDATE: Now I have been able to go through the results. I came in 186th out of 814 finishers. I was the first finisher from the state of Utah (only 1), first of people with a last name of Joyce (only 1), and would have also been first from NC (actually zero, because I entered from Utah). If there was an age group for men, age 47, I would have been 5th.

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