I went to the airport this morning and took this picture through the windshield on my way back home. You should be seeing an entire mountain range in the background. How does this make me happy? I just love that we live in a wonderful little town, nestled up in the mountains, where the smog doesn't seem to visit. Deep breaths.

NC State - 28 UNC - 27
NC State is having a crappy year. We even lost to Duke! If you are only going to win one game of the year, this is the one. For the third year in a row, State has beaten a much-favored UNC. The best description I heard was from a UNC blog: "Butch Davis (UNC coach) is Tom O'Brian's (State coach) bitch." What more can be said?
And of course, another party. A day after Julie's birthday and a day before Lisa Rudy's. Sounds like something to celebrate.

Not only did we have leftovers from the turkey dinner, we had new food show up. I am pretty certain I am up five pounds.

My mom, enjoying the conversation.

All the ladies. From left to right: Joan Fernane, Lisa Rudy, Kathy Compton-Covaleski, Teresa Schumacher, Julie Joyce, Loris Benson, and Emily Joyce.

After all the partying, it was time for the moms to head to the airport. While I was in the role of chauffeur, Julie got to exercise Jasper. He has a little bootie on his paw, again, because he keeps tearing up his toe nails.

A rare appearance from behind the camera. Joan snapped one of the Joyce side of the family.

Wonderful family. Wonderful friends. Excuses for gatherings. A great place to live. And another win over Carolina. Giving Thanks just comes easy.
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