Monday, August 27, 2012

Quit Running?

So, I'm supposed to stop running because it is damaging to my knee.  Instead, I am supposed to be biking.  In the past two or three weeks:
  • One close friend was mountain biking and broke four ribs, a collar bone and a collapsed lung (surgery)
  • Another close friend was mountain biking and broke her jaw (more surgery)
  • Julie was a candidate for jury duty. It was a case about a car hitting a road biker.

This is supposed to be the good stuff?  I think I might go back to running, perhaps with a suggestion from Tim Huntley. Take a look at Tim's blog entry.


Emily J. said...

Humm. I don't know. I agree about the biking, but... :-)

Seriously, is there an indoor pool nearby? Swimming is supposed to be excellent exercise and easier on the joints. Even brisk walking is better on them than running!

Unknown said...

Mom, I am pondering joining a club with an indoor pool for swimming in the winter. I find it incredibly boring though.

As for a brisk walk, that just doesn't quite cut it for a cardio workout. I need something to stay in shape. I hope to try more cross country skiing this winter.

Bill H said...

Please go for the beer mile, and post your times! Very inspiring.

Ken Polleck said...

Every time I start to think about a training for triathlon, I hear horrendous stories about biking injuries. Thanks, Steve--you've just put that on the back burner for at least the rest of 2012! :-)

Are you folks in Salt Lake really building ? (And did you know there is in Asheville? I didn't.)

Unknown said...

Ken, I hadn't heard anything about a velodrome, but apparently there are two on the drawing board, one up in Ogden and one in Salt Lake. Both mountain biking and road biking are pretty big here, so I guess it isn't a big surprise. I've never ridden on one but it looks like a blast. Of course, I would go so slow I would probably slide down the track.