Saturday, July 20, 2013

Bark in the Park 5K9

Every year Jasper and I run in the Friends of Animals 5K9.  This is the only 5K race in Park City where dogs are welcome.  The day was going to be hot, but we started early so it was quite nice.

Notice the hot air balloons off in the distance. There were five up in the air at once and one landed very close to the finish line. Not something you see everywhere.
This is my neighbor Hannah running with Rachel.  They had just done the halfway turn around the building on the left, so I had about 300 yards to catch up.
This dog isn't fast, but I take his picture every year.  Damn he's tall!
This was Hannah, Jasper and I before the race.  How can you tell?
Because after the race, Jasper's tongue was dragging the ground.  He reeled it back in about an hour after we got home.  He did great though. Together we ran right around 24 minutes.
Hannah won the Girls Under 11 first prize. I looked and she also would have won the Girls Under 20.  She's only 8.
Jasper and I got our award for finishing first in the Men 51-60.  Not bad for training a half dozen times a year.
A big thanks to Sally (Hannah's mom) who took a lot of these photos.  I just wasn't in the mood.

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