The day started early. Rob Schumacher (on the right), is home builder and our chair space acquisition manager. Rob got up at 4:30 and drove down with a pickup trucks loaded with folding chairs. He set everything up to claim our shady space for parade spectating. Yeah Rob!

Here we have Lisa, Julie, Kathy and Loris. All have big smiles since three of them just ate a wonderful breakfast up at the Morning Ray Cafe.

Park City's parade isn't much different than other small town's. Lots of people having lots of fun, but not necessarily and serious floats. The Rose Parade this is not.

Every time I see these stilt/shoe/springs I swear I have to get some. They go bounding along with huge leaps. I saw them first in Cirque de Soleil and have loved them since.

Lisa, smiling up from the curb.

One of the crowd favorites was the motorized coolers that you could ride. Only in America!

Our friends Zach and Michelle are in town from LA. Here we have Julie, Michelle and Bill.

At the end of the parade, Julie and I walked back up April Mountain. Everyone else grabbed a ride. Yeah Julie for being a studette!

We ended the evening with a nice gathering at the Benson's house and then trekked up to the water tower to watch fireworks. I was too lay this year to drag along all my camera gear, so no fireworks pictures.
And I end with a single picture that offers several warnings. First, we should all really watch our weight and try to stay healthy. Second, no matter what your body style, you should think about what you are wearing out into public and ask yourself "is this OK?"

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