Monday, October 03, 2011

Summer, a few days of fall, then winter

I complained bitterly about the long, cold, wet spring we had. As a reminder, it snowed all three days of the Memorial Day weekend.  Now we have been getting our revenge.  It's October 3rd.  Not only have we been snow free so far, the last three weeks have been sunny and in the 70's, every single day!  This is incredible for Park City, so everyone has been cramming in the last of the golf, running, biking and such.

Now the end is near.  It is around 70 outside right now.  By Thursday, the highs may not hit 40.  The rain starts soon and turns to snow Thursday morning and it keeps snowing through Friday. Oops.  So much for fall.  The good news is that we leave Thursday morning for a wedding in Washington DC, where the weather is supposed to be sunny and in the 70's. 

To pay a brief homage to fall, I offer some pictures of our local scare crows.  Every year they let people put up a line of scare crows on the fence near the historic white barn. As you will see, they get quite artistic.

The first, and most important is the Scarecrow of Liberty.  It was done by our next door neighbors, Sally and Hannah Lutzker, and friends of theirs.
This is "Crow Magnon Man"
"The Snow Queen"
"Fright of the Valkyrie"
"Nana Peep Crow",  but I thought this should be Big Bird.
And two of the most artistic and involved...  Willy Wonka.
and "Top Chef".  It is hard to see but the shelf on her right (your left) included very detailed containers of things like Belly Button Lint, Werewolves Eyeballs, Spider Parts and Rats Blood.
It's very considerate of the artistic people in town to do things like this so that those of us who apparently have no right hemisphere of the brain can wander along and enjoy them.

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