Monday, December 05, 2011

Now this is a different problem

We have noticed that several of Jasper's toys have gone missing from the back yard.  Given the angle of our hill, it is easy for some of them to just roll off.  We thought that our big neighboring Golden was taking the rest.

I just bought Jasper two nice new toys and they are both already gone.  Today, with the fresh snow and some tracks, I was able to figure out that it is one of the local fox that is mooching them.  He came right through the back yard, saw the toy, went straight for it, and then left the yard.  The toy that was there last night when we hottubbed was gone early this morning.

I tracked him for a bit and found two of Jasper's older toys, but neither of the new ones.  Tomorrow we go on a more ambitious hunt!  I guess this is just one of those things you learn to deal with...


Emily J. said...

That is just too funny! Better find those toys before the "real" snow comes or you won't see them till spring!

LaurieJ said...

This hilarious (great graphic, too). The fox family stockings will be full this Christmas!