Thursday, June 20, 2013

Rowing continues

I continue to get better at rowing, but this morning was a bit of a different adventure.  Three things came together:
  • It was only 36 degrees. You get to wander around in the water getting the shells rigged.  Feels much chillier when those body parts get out of the water.
  • The wind was blowing, making it pretty choppy.  It would throw a canoe around a little bit but these shells aren't nearly as stable as a canoe.
  • Today was my first day out of the training shells and into a racing shell.  The training shells are wider and more stable. I sure was missing that stability as the waves rolled by.

All together, that made it a day where focus and balance were quite important.  Definitely not a good day to turn the boat over and go for a swim.  I am slowly getting more and more of my effort into boat motion and speed.  It is starting to feel closer to real rowing.

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