Monday, March 03, 2014

A gathering of stuff

Over the past few days, I have collected a few pictures I wanted to share, but none of them have anything to do with the others.

This is the Main Street Mall, or what is left of it.  It is the terrible, out-of-place looking building at the top of Park City's Main Street. When it was built in the 1980's, Park City's government must have been looking the other direction.  It was different from our historic district's other buildings that it stood out like a sore thumb.  It did gain some notoriety as "the cookie college" because it was originally the national training center for Mrs. Field's Cookies.
Now it is gaining local fame and fortune as the construction site that wouldn't end.  The businesses around it are losing pedestrian traffic because of the huge section of road, sidewalk and parking blocked off.  Perhaps when it is finally completed, the town will be the better for it.

The Park City Foundation started something called The Women's Giving Fund.  The idea was to get 1000 women to donate $1000 each, to form a foundation to fund nonprofits that support women's and children's issues.  Now for Where's Waldo... Can you find Julie's photo?  I think they are up to about 850 donors.
Jasper and I were walking around town the other day and ran across this stand along one of the local bike and walking paths.  It has nearly enough tools to strip a bike down and rebuild it.  Cool if you were out riding and had a problem. I hope no one feels the urge to vandalize it.
Julie, my ski buddy, posing yesterday. That loose snow started fairly soft but became clumpy as the morning warmed up.
And as we came back down to the Deer Valley base, we could see the parking lot.  It was completely full and there were cars parked up and down Deer Valley drive.  It was a weekend, but certainly not a holiday.  Town has been packed for the last month, almost nonstop.  My guess is that it is because of the terrible snowpack out in California.  Squaw (a huge Tahoe resort) only has 71 of 177 runs open.  All those California skiers must be coming to Utah and Colorado instead.  Good for Park City's businesses.  Bad if you hate crowds.

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