Doesn't it know that this is a high-altitude desert?

No one around can remember it ever being quite this green and lush. By mid-June, we are normally done with green and are starting to head to a lovely brown.

What happens when you make your first trip back to the grocery store to restock the pantry and find raspberries for $1 a box instead of the normal $4? Steve buys 10 boxes. Yummmmm!

Of course it wouldn't be Park City without going out and drinking wine. Stephen Elrick discovered a nice wine tasting being held at Wahso. It was being done by the Caymus winery. They make a great cab, Conundrum (one of my favorite whites), and Belle Glos (who makes a great Pinot). Quite the deal. Lots of good appetizers and excellent wines for $40.

I would hate to have to wash glasses after a wine tasting. They are way too serious about every wine having a fresh glass.
It is wonderful to be back out to the mountains and cool air, but I am still waiting for a nice sunny day.
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