Each restaurant publishes a menu for the event and you sign up with your choice. We went with Mustang, who had a huge table.

Our gang is at one end of the table: Julie on the left and Bill, Loris and Shannon Benson on the right. The food was excellent. The bad news is that we drank four bottles of wine and some margaritas.

Our table was at the bottom of Main Street. This picture is looking back up the street. It doesn't look like much, but there are tables running all the way up to the very top of Main Street. Many, many hundreds of diners eating out in what turned out to be a gorgeous evening.

I woke up Saturday morning to see that someone must have left a pot of gold in town.

Trying to beat the inevitable rain, I went out for my long run of the week. I did about 10.5 miles, but was really dragging. Something about all that wine the night before seemed to have an impact.
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