Friday, January 01, 2010

Dog auction

Many cities have done the "give animals to artists to decorate and then auction them for charity". Raleigh did wolves and we bought one. Park City did huge moose in 2004. This past week they did another auction, this time for dogs. The money from the auction was to be split between three of Park City's biggest charities: the Mountain Trails Foundation, Friends of Animals Utah, and the Park City Performing Arts Foundation.

We probably would have gone any way, but now that Julie is on the board of Friends of Animals, it was a given. We were joined by the Benson's and their visiting daughter Shannon and Kathy Covaleski and her guests James and Lydia.

This is Julie admiring a big dog: Brutus Maximus.

So why is Kathy wearing a Brutus Maximus sash? Because she won him in the auction. Bill Benson and I both bid on other dogs, but gave up when the prices ran high. Kathy got a great deal on hers. I forget who the little dog is down by Kathy's feet.

The event was a great success for the charities. People were in a giving mood and dogs went for as much as $45,000. Each of the three groups will receive somewhere around $100,000.

After the event we wandered back to the Benson's house for some snacks. Here you can see Julie, Kathy, Lydia and James.

You can click here to see more of the dogs.


Emily J. said...

Which ones did you try for? There are a couple I really liked and some I wouldn't bother with. It's nice that Kathy got one of them.

Unknown said...

Hair of the Dog was my favorite, but it went for $14,000. Also bid on Love Me Like My Dog. The pictures of both are terrible. You can't tell what they are.