Sunday, September 23, 2012

Fall colors, but not

I went out on a hike with Julie this morning and the trees were very pretty.  I took some pictures but the filter I had on my camera had a dulling impact that I didn't expect.  I went back out after lunch, but the storm was rolling in. The good news is that the aspens still have a ways to go and by Tuesday or Wednesday they should be gorgeous.

This is the Montage hotel, surrounded by some nice color.  If you look at the little brown dot on the ski run, that's a moose.
Julie said she couldn't see the moose in the picture, so here is a serious zoom.
 On my drive up the mountain, I caught this little weasel running around.
For about 10 seconds, the sun poked through the heavy clouds. It pays to always be ready.
I still think the most unfortunate part of the fall colors here in Utah is that the red trees go first and then just as they are dropping all their leaves, the aspens start bursting out with their yellow.  It would be spectacular if they could all agree to go at once.

This is the very end of the maples.
Hoping to have a lot more interesting photos later this week.

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