Monday, September 03, 2012

Funky 5K run

Julie and I had planned on running in this local 5K fun run.  It's part of the big Miner's Day celebration in Park City.  Julie has been fighting with a pinched/bruised/damaged nerve on the bottom of her foot.  It has been messing with her biking and really minimizing her running, especially anything off a treadmill.  It wasn't clear that she would even be able to enter the race.

She saw a podiatrist and an orthopedic doctor, both of whom gave her some tips and told her to give it time.  Based on some feedback from friends, she tried one more thing, acupuncture.
Of course they poked needles into her foot, but they scattered them around her body in general. I guess it's because of the belief that the body parts are tightly intertwined.

Well, it seems to have worked. Her foot didn't hurt during the race, which meant that she didn't have to walk. The result? Her first running medal!! Go Julie!
My little neighbor and future Olympian Hannah also ran. She smoked everyone in her "up to 13" age group. Again. She's only 7.  Monty, Hannah's dad got second in his age group.
Me, I did OK, but not from a competitive standpoint. I finished one step behind Hannah, which if I could continue over the next few years, would be spectacular.  The guy who won the race is Bill Demong.  He's competed in the last four winter Olympics in the Nordic Combined (cross country and jumping) and in 2010 came home with one Gold and one Silver.  This doesn't seem fair for a local fun run.

At this summer's Bark in the Park 5k, I won my age group, mostly by being in a ridiculously slow  group.  In today's race, the 50-59 group was apparently full of ex-NCAA runners. I missed a 3rd place medal by over 4 minutes.  At least I would have won the 60-69 age group, but only by 30 seconds or so.  The winner of that category was running just over 8:00 minute miles at 7000 feet in elevation.  An update, now that I have the final results:  Of the 34 people who finished in front of me, 7 of them were in the Men's 50-59 group. Damn.

It is a beautiful crisp, clear day and now we get to go have lunch with friends and celebrate Julie's medal!

1 comment:

Emily J. said...

Congratulations to Julie and Hannah on their medals and to you for running. I thought you weren't supposed to do that because of your knee? At any rate, I'm glad Julie had luck with acupuncture. Jill did for her shoulder, as well. The docs were talking of surgery for Jill. The acupuncture handled it instead. I need to talk to Julie about how to find a good practitioner. I'm wondering if the approach would work for my hip/leg problems.