Good thing I got the cushions out and put them on the lounge chairs. Hate to miss out catching some rays.

This is looking at the trees behind our house. What you can't see is the fox that ducked into the trees about 3 seconds before I took this. I was hoping he would pop back out, but I didn't see him again.

As I drove down the hill to go do my CrossFit workout, the change was dramatic. At our house (7400 feet) there was nothing but snow. Two miles away, at the city park (7000 feet) there was mostly slush. Three miles further, the White Barn (6800 feet) had nothing but rain. From 6 inches of white to green grass in only 5 miles.
However, even with the rain I am worried about my crane. No signs of little ones hatching yet, and the 33 degree water just keeps on rising.

This area normally has a 4 foot wide creek and some marshy area around it. The snow melt from the mountains and the precipitation are mixing to cause some minor flooding. I hope they built that nest with some flotation!

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