At least we don't have to sit out on a nest keeping the eggs warm. I paid a quick visit to my Sandhill Crane nest and took a shot or two. What dedication. Then again, I guess the bloodlines of the ones who weren't terribly dedicated ended long ago. Darwin at work.


There is another crane nest in town that has gotten some interest. It is located in the Swaner Nature Preserve. Some people who live close by have set up a long distance "nest cam". You can watch them do their crane things, which yesterday included the eggs hatching. The picture quality is poor today because it is shooting a long distance through a snowstorm.
I haven't seen the chicks yet, but occasionally they have come out to play. Tough first day. Should have waited to be born next week.
This gives me some hope that the nest I am photographing may have chicks soon!
I love the crane cam. What strange noises those birds emit!
really lovable blog i like this very much.. keep sharing
Overhead Crane
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