From left to right, Patti and John Steigerwald, Julie, and of course, Jasper.
Between snowshoeing and the football play-offs, we managed to get up to Stein Eriksen's for their incredible Sunday Brunch. I am fairly certain I consumed 30,000 calories. Yummmm!
This morning we got up and went to see Cedar Rapids. It was a wonderful comedy that also highlighted how you can make friends in the oddest of ways. It is already being distributed through Fox SearchLight, so you will get a chance to catch it in theaters. Another 4 of 4 stars movie.
I grew up in Cedar Rapids, IA so imagine my surprise when I saw previews in the theater for the movie Cedar Rapids. It looked quite funny. Looking forward to seeing it.
The funny thing is that the film was made in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Seems like if the movie was going to be named Cedar Rapids, they might have shot it there.
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